Minggu, 28 November 2010


Kalau yang satu ini adalah kado ulang tahunku yang ke 29 dari istriku, RIP CURL OCEANTECH, mengapa bisa RIP CURL? jawabannya karena inilah yang merk yang paling banyak di tempat kuliahnya (Australia) 

Jam ini bukti bahwa aku pernah menjadi Single parent untuk anakku selama Ibunya berjuang untuk kami semua di negeri orang..

Selamat datang Ibu say...


Kembali jam Guess yang ku pilih setelah dapat membeli jam sendiri dengan hasil jerih payah sendiri

nah kalau yang ini belinya di mangga 2 tahun 2001, waktu itu harganya Rp.600.000 (sengaja ditulis biar gak lupa), awalnya ada sepasang dengan model yang sama namun Dial beda warna, yang hitam telah diambil adik laki-lakiku dan masih ia pakai hingga sekarang

Jam yang satu ini dipakai direntang waktu 2001 - Agustus 2007, mungkin Ia yang paling banyak menemani masa-masa pendewasaanku (Istriku memiliki Jam yang sama untuk wanitanya buatan tahun 2004)

Dulu sih gak kenal Omega or else coz sibuk maen mobil dan Hand Phone..ha ha, tak terpikir untuk punya Jam Swiss sama sekali, hanya Pacaran, Mobil dan buku silat..


Awalnya Guess Waterpro adalah "Jam beneran" pertama yang kupunya, bahkan sejarahnyapun masih terkenang

Chronographnya mencakup Hari, Tanggal dan 24 Jam..lumayan canggih untuk ukuran masa itu dan tentunya Trendy Boo..jaman dulu Jam dengan dial biru lumayan jarang..
Jam ini kubeli di Palembang pada tahun 1994, hadiah lulus SMP dari mama tercinta, awalnya melihatnya di Counter resmi Guess di Matahari Internasional Plaza (IP) harganya Rp. 330.000- , karena sayang uangnya aku dan kakakku mencoba tempat lain yaitu ke Toko Jam di Tempat yang sama (IP) Toko Mahko** yang memang Toko jam yang cukup lengkap di sana.

Ternyata di sana harganya kok hanya Rp. 225.000 ?? maka jadilah ia jam kesayanganku dahulu, masih awet dipakai sampai lulus kuliah  (th 2000), mungkin dialah teman yang selalu setia mengikutiku kemanapun (kecuali tidur, aku kemanapun pergi tak lupa selalu memakainya)

Bulan kemarin dia baru ganti mesin karena kecerobohanku, hampir 7 tahun baterai yang habis tak pernah kuganti, akhirnya tersia-sialah ia (habis manis, sepah dibuang)...

Setelah kumenyadari akan pentingnya ia bagiku, akhirnya kucoba untuk menebus kesalahan dengan mendandaninya sehingga cantik kembali dan menempatkannya ditempat terhormat diantara Omega, Rolex dan Tag ku. 


AVRE LEUBASatu lagi jam buatan Swiss, Favre Leuba

Belum menemukan sejarah Jam ini, di Wikipediapun hanya sedikit informasi yang kudapat..mungkin ini adalah pabrikan kecil (atau malah Home Industry) di Swiss..

Untuk rekan-rekan yang lebih tahu informasi tentang jam ini, minta tolong ditambahkan..tks


Adakah Merk Jam Swiss Made Vintage di negeri kita ini mencapai 31 Merk? Mungkin bisa jadi pelabiku untuk terus memburu Jam vintage..ha ha

HISTORY (diambil dari WIKIPEDIA)

Roamer was founded in Solothurn, Switzerland, in 1888 by Fritz Meyer. At first, Meyer and employees concentrated on manufacturing cylinder escapements, and from 1904, when Meyer joined forces with fellow watchmaker Johann Studeli, watch movements. "Meyer & Studeli" (MST) units became a reputable brand before World War I. By 1923, production grew to one million units.

In 1940 the company started its own dial production line. In 1945, a representative office opened in New York City. In 1952 Roamer Watches officially changed its name to Roamer Watch Co. SA. In 1955, Roamer patented an original Anfibio watertight watch case, which proved to be a commercial success. In 1972, the company launched its first quartz movement.

In 2003 Roamer returned to manufacturing of mechanical watches. Currently, it remains an independent watchmaking company, selling its products to over 70 countries. Roamer Watch Co. is a member of Federation of the Swiss Watch Industry FH.


Jam Automatic Swiss Made harga ratusan ribu...
Inilah Jam itu, Jam Automatic murah meriah yang masih mulus (Mika asli nya memang buram, tapi sayang untuk menggantinya)

Sebenarnya katanya Titoni Cosmo King lebih banyak yang mengkoleksi namun sekali lagi pendapat pribadi yang menentukan, aku tak terlalu suka dengan Cosmo yang terlalu ramai dial nya..

mengutip bahasa orang lain "Simple is Better..."

Kalau diganti Mika aftermarket dial yang masih sangat eilok itu akan terlihat sangat rupawan lah pakcik

Bagaimana menurutmu mesinnya, hasil tes Power Reserve nya masih diatas 30 Jam...

Menurut saya, daripada membeli Jam dengan mesin entah bagaimana kualitasnya, atau beli jam palsu biar terlihat gaya mending beli jam ini

Sabtu, 27 November 2010


Saya sangat suka bentuk dial MIDO yang satu ini,

Ini adalah Multifort ke 2 ku


Pertama kali mendengar Jam Mido adalah dari Almarhum Nenek Lanang tercinta, beliau termasuk orang yang menggemari jam tangan.

Aku sangat ingat beliau memiliki Mido Comander dan Omega Seamaster Cal 1020 yang sekarang masih mulus berada di tangan Om ku di Palembang...

Nah milikku ini  Tipe Multifort yang memiliki dial yang unik, warna nya Two Tone dengan warna yang sama di 1/4 bagian dial yang saling bersebrangan..

Mesinnya masih sangat bersih, namun soal akurasinya belum pernah kucoba karena saat memakai jam ini hanya untuk beberapa sata saja Sejak dibeli Februari 2010 lalu baru pernah dipakai 1 kali ke pasar proyek bekasi


Sebenarnya saya tidak begitu menyukai bentuk Seamaster seperti ini (TV Shape) dan pula sulit untuk mendapatkan ranrainya ataupun memasangkan Strap kulit padanya (coba lihat bodinya, strap kulit harus dipotong sebagian baru dapat dipasang) 

Namun sekali lagi terdapat kisah juga dibalik akuisisi ini, ada seorang teman (mungkin) yang hendak pulang kampung karena keterbatasan dana akhirnya beliau berinisiatif menjaminkan Jam ini untuk mendapatkan loan..

Sewaktu menerima jam ini, kondisi Jam mati, beliau mengatakan hanya perlu dibersihkan saja trus pasti hidup lagi...

Walaupun dalam hati tidak menyukai bentuknya akhirnya ku ikhlas kan menerima penawarannya dengan harapan beliau akan menebus kembali jam ini (walaupun saya pesimis hal tersebut akan terjadi)..

Ternyata firasatku terjadi...singkat kata singkat cerita..akhirnya Seamaster ini resmi menjadi milikku..

Setelah diservis..astaga...! ternyata salah satu roda penggeraknya sudah patah dan harus diganti...
Waspadalah....waspadalah... jangan begitu cepat memberikan kepercayaan anda kepada orang lain..karena tidak semua orang itu berpikiran yang sama dengan yang anda pikirkan...

walaupun biaya servisnya tidak terlalu besar namun tetap saja Dongkol Cost nya yang membuatku tetap teringat selalu...(Tety Kadi mode on..ha ha)

begitulah dukanya pemain baru (nubitol..mengutip teman kaskuser), ada lagi cerita yang lebih seru natikanlah diepisode selanjutnya..he he


Ini mungkin Connie terbesarku (diameter 39mm)

Dengan Model Rantai yang langsung seakan akan menyatu pada bodynya memberikan ciri tersendiri padanya..

Cal 751 dengan sistem Quick pump untuk menyetel tanggal dan Hari yang menggunakan Bahasa Jerman membuatnya semakin unik (Produksi Swiss namun tidak memakai Bahasa Ssiss Jerman?)..

nb: tidak seperti Jam skarang yang memungkinkan adanya 2 jenis bahasa yang berbeda ex: english - Swiss, di plat nya hanya ada 1 bahasa (Jerman)

Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch, Donnerstag, Freitag (Swiss Jerman : Friitig), Samstag & Sonntag

Seperti inilah tampak mesinnya, Overall masih okay walaupun Drat penutup Casingnya agak korosi, maklumlah sering dibuka tutup oleh pedagang yang menjajakannya dari Swiss (mungkin Jerman) sehingga tiba di transit entah sampai kapan di Bekasi

Ada cerita menarik soal Connie ini, untuk sementara inilih akuisisi termurahku, mungkin karena sang penjualpun gelap soal harganya, yang penting Omega harus diatas 2 juta: maka jatuhlah ia ke tanganku dengan Purchase Cost + Service = Connie 1021 kepalanya saja..

kapan lagi bisa dapat Connie semurah ini?

Itulah sukanya pemburu Jam Tua, ini mengingatkanku pada Jaman Baheulak sewaktu masih di bangku kuliah (Tahun 1997 - 2000)...

dahulu sewaktu Taman Puring masih Orisinil (ha ha) , paling tidak dalam 1 minggu kusempatkan waktu berburu barang bekas disana (sayang dahulu belum menyukai jam)...

Berbagai kaset dan CD original, komik bekas, Pulpen Parker & Sheaffer (belum kenal Mont Blanc) dan buku silat saduran adalah target utamaku..

Bahagia sekali rasanya dengan dana terbatas namun bisa mendapatkan barang2 okay yang diidamkan, dahulu kadang jatah makan siang harus direlakan digabung ke makan Magrib...

Senin, 22 November 2010


Kali ini melenceng lagi dari Topik Jam Baheulak..

Sebuah Jam Produk USA, tadinya Jam ini diakuisisi karena hendak berburu di kebun karet yang baru kami buka, seru juga membayangkan menembak kijang/ rusa yang hanya kelihatan matanya saja namun karena keterbatasan waktu jadinya hanya sekadar pajangan saja...

Mungkin lbaran tahun depan hasrat untuk berburu akan terpenuhkan...

Sekali-kali dipakai jalan-jalan, Compas nya berfungsi untuk menunjuk arah Kiblat dan Indiglo nya buat mati lampu..

ini adalah Jam favorit anakku karena fitur Indiglo nya..

Sabtu, 20 November 2010


Kali ini Jam Baheulak yang bukan Omega, Eterna Matic yang dialnya unik

saya sih memberi nama "Golden Sands" untuk nya, sayang Crown nya bukan Original miliknya..

mesin masih bersih dan sangat akurat walaupun drat penutupnya sudah aus dimakan usia..Jam Baheulak dan Phone Cell Baheulak pula..

Berikut sejarah Eterna Matic di kutip dari Wikipedia (terima kasih kepada Wikipedia yang sangat membantu Nubitol dalam belajar dan belajar)

Eterna is a Swiss watch company founded in Grenchen, Canton Solothurn on the 7th of November 1856 by Dr Josef Girard and Urs Schild. They initially specialised in producing pocket watches with alarms. In 1906 the company name changed from U. Schild to Eterna. In 1908 they became the first company to produce an alarm wristwatch. The movement production part of the company eventually became ETA SA. In 1995 Eterna was bought by the German company Porsche Design.[1]


The basis of the Eterna Watch Company was founded in 1851. By the 1900s, wristwatches were just starting to become fashionable. Schild Fréres, as the company was then known, started to produce lady’s wristwatches from adapted small pocket watches. In 1905, the company changed their name to Eterna. The company continued to be at the leading edge of watch developments, and in 1908 it patented the first alarm wristwatch. The watch went into production in 1914 and was launched at the Swiss National Exhibition at Berne in that year.

By 1932, Eterna had set up a subsidiary company, ETA, to make movements for itself and other Swiss watch companies. This same year Theodore retired and handed over the control of the company to his nephew Rudolf Schild. Although retired, Theodore remained on the board of directors until his death in 1950.

Eterna produced many innovations in their history, the smallest production wristwatch with a Baguette movement in 1930, an eight-day alarm watch in the 1930s and their first automatic watch in 1938.
Probably the most famous Eterna watch was their Eterna-matic. This watch was launched in 1948. The design of the automatic winding was one of Eterna’s greatest designs. The weight ran on small ball bearings making it very efficient, hence the trademark of five ball bearings. The Eterna-matic continued in various styles and was still available in 1998, and has indeed been relaunched.

After 1982, the Eterna company was sold several times. By 1995, it ended up being owned by F.A.P. Beteiligungs GmbH. In 1999, Eterna produced a range of watches that were marketed under the Porsche Design label. The company is still at the forefront of modern wristwatch design

Rabu, 17 November 2010


Entah mengapa Brand Omega sangat merasuk di sumsum dan tulang (mengutip teman2 di Kaskus sih "meracuni")...
mungkin karena bentuknya yg indah, harganya istimewa (tak terlalu mahal) atau pula karna Dia (James Bond) nya yg buat ku tergila...

Gambar pertama dihaturkan : Omega Constellation Pie Pan Cal 564

Omega History (sumber Wikipedia)

Omega SA is a Swiss luxury watchmaker based in Biel/Bienne, Switzerland. Omega is one of the most known and recognized watches in the world. Omega watch was the choice of NASA and the first watch on the Moon in 1969. Omega was the official Time Keeping device of the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics. James Bond has worn it in films since 1995; other famous Omega wearers are John F. Kennedy ,[1] Prince William, Buzz Aldrin, Joe Biden, George Clooney, Nicole Kidman, Michael Phelps, Zhang Ziyi and Cindy Crawford.[2] Omega estimates that 7 out of every 10 people have heard of Omega watches.[3] Omega is owned by the Swatch Group.


The workbench of Louis Brandt with a photograph of the founder.

Omega medical chronograph with outer pulsations track, ca. 1950

Omega Seamaster De Ville, an early "waterproof" watch, with automatic movement and date, in 14k gold
The forerunner of Omega was founded at La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland in 1848 by 23-year-old Louis Brandt, who assembled key-wound precision pocket watches from parts supplied by local craftsmen. He sold his watches from Italy to Scandinavia by way of England, his chief market. After Louis Brandt's death in 1879, his two sons Louis-Paul and César, troubled by irregular deliveries of questionable quality, abandoned the unsatisfactory assembly workshop system in favour of in-house manufacturing and total production control.

[edit] Relocation

Due to the greater supply of manpower, communications and energy in Biel/Bienne, the enterprise moved into a small factory in January 1880, then bought the entire building in December. Two years later the company moved into a converted spinning-factory in the Gurzelen area of Biel/Bienne, where its headquarters are still situated today.
Their first series-produced calibres, Labrador and Gurzelen, as well as the famous Omega calibre of 1894, would ensure the brand's marketing success.

[edit] Merger

Louis-Paul and César Brandt both died in 1903, leaving one of Switzerland's largest watch companies — with 240,000 watches produced annually and employing 800 people — in the hands of four young people, the oldest of whom, Paul-Emile Brandt, was not yet 24.
Brandt was the great architect and builder of Omega.[4] His influence would be felt over the next half-century. The economic difficulties brought on by the First World War would lead him to work actively from 1925 toward the union of Omega and Tissot, then to their merger in 1930 into the group SSIH, Geneva.
Under Brandt's leadership and Joseph Reiser's from 1955, the SSIH Group continued to grow and multiply, absorbing or creating some fifty companies, including Lemania, manufacturers of the most famous Omega chronograph movements. By the seventies, SSIH had become Switzerland's number one producer of finished watches and number three in the world.[citation needed].

Financial takeover

Weakened by the severe monetary crisis and recession of 1975 to 1980, SSIH was bailed out by the banks in 1981. During this period, Seiko expressed interest in acquiring Omega, but nothing came out of the talks.
Switzerland's other watch making giant Allgemeine Schweizerische Uhrenindustrie AG (ASUAG - supplier of a large range of Swiss movements and watch assemblers) was in economic difficulty. It was the principal manufacturer of Ébauche (unfinished movements) and owner, through their sub-holding company GWC (General Watch Co), of various other Swiss watch brands including Longines, Rado, Certina and Mido.
After drastic financial restructuring, the R&D departments of ASUAG and SSIH merged production operations at the ETA complex in Granges. The two companies completely merged forming ASUAG-SSIH, a holding company, in 1983.
Two years later this holding company was taken over by a group of private investors led by Nicolas Hayek. Renamed SMH, Société de Microélectronique et d'Horlogerie, this new group over the next decade proceded to become one of the top watch producers in the world.[5] In 1998 it became the Swatch Group, which now manufactures Omega and other brands such as Blancpain, Swatch, and Breguet.

[edit] Movements and the co-axial escapement

In 1999, with the successful own development of Calibre 2500,[6] Omega made history by introducing the first mass-produced watch incorporating the co-axial escapement — invented by English watchmaker George Daniels. Considered by many[7] to be one of the more significant horological advances since the invention of the lever escapement, the co-axial escapement functions with virtually no lubrication, thereby eliminating one of the shortcomings of the traditional lever escapement. Through using radial friction instead of sliding friction at the impulse surfaces the co-axial escapement significantly reduces friction, theoretically resulting in longer service intervals and greater accuracy over time.[8]
On January 24, 2007 Omega unveiled its new Calibres 8500[9] and 8501, two co-axial (25,200 bph) movements created exclusively from inception by Omega.

Omega watches in space exploration

The Omega Speedmaster, or "Moonwatch", selected by NASA for all the Apollo missions
The selection of the "Omega Speedmaster Professional Chronograph" for American astronauts was the subject of a rivalry between Omega and Bulova.[10]
All subsequent manned NASA missions also used this handwound wristwatch. NASA started selecting the chronograph in the early 60s and automatic chronograph wristwatches were not available until 1969.
However all the instrument panel clocks and time-keeping mechanisms in the spacecraft on those space missions were Bulova Accutrons with tuning fork movements,[citation needed] because at the time NASA did not know how well a mechanical movement would work in zero gravity.

[edit] First watch on the moon

The "Omega Speedmaster Professional Chronograph" was the first watch on the Moon, worn by "Buzz" Aldrin. This watch is now believed lost. Aldrin mentions in his book Return to Earth that when donating several items to the Smithsonian Institution, his Omega was one of the few things that was stolen from his personal effects.[11]
In 2007, to mark the 50th anniversary of the Omega Speedmaster Professional Chronograph, the Omega company unveiled the commemorative Speedmaster Professional Chronograph Moonwatch. The watch had the distinctive features of the first hand-winding Omega Speedmaster introduced in 1957. It was sold in an edition of 5,957.[12]

Copyright Lawsuit

Omega is currently in a lawsuit against wholesaler Costco over grey market imports of Omega watches that challenges the legality of the first-sale doctrine with regards to international imports, Omega v. Costco.[13] This lawsuit has been granted certiorari by the Supreme Court of the United States.[14]

Sponsorship, product placement, advertising, and sport

James Bond

The Omega Seamaster, a deep diving watch. The second crown (at 10 o'clock) is a helium release valve to allow helium out of the watch after diving at great depth. The watch is similar to that shown in recent James Bond films, in which this valve is transformed into improbable hidden gadgets.
Omega has been associated with James Bond movies since 1995. That year, Pierce Brosnan took over the role of James Bond and began wearing the Omega Seamaster Quartz Professional (model 2541.80.00) in the movie GoldenEye. In all later films, Brosnan wore an Omega Seamaster Professional Chronometer (model 2531.80.00). The producers wanted to update the image of the fictional "super-spy" to a more distinctly sophisticated "Euro" look.[15]
Another possible reason for the change from the Rolex Submariner that Bond had previously worn was a change in the business environment surrounding modern high-profile films and product placement. Omega was eager to participate in high profile co-promotions/product placement opportunities, especially the James Bond franchise, to further its brand image/awareness. It accomplished this by supplying products and finance (something that the conservative Rolex company avoids, presumably because it sees no benefit for itself).[16]
For the 40th anniversary of James Bond (2002) a commemorative edition of the watch was made available model 2537.80.00 (10,007 units). The watch is identical to the model 2531.80.00 except the blue watch dial had a 007 logo inscribed across it and also machined into the caseback. The band also had 007 inscribed on the clasp.[17]
Daniel Craig, the current James Bond of Casino Royale, and Quantum of Solace also wears the Omega Seamaster: the Seamaster Planet Ocean (model 2900.50.91) in the first part Casino Royale, and in the latter part (from travelling to Montenegro), and even goes so far as to mention Omega by name when questioned by Vesper Lynd. In connection with the launch of the film, Omega released an 007-special of the Professional 300M, featuring the 007-gun logo on the second hand and the rifle pattern on the watch face, this being a stylized representation of the gunbarrel sequence of Bond movies.[18]
Omega released a second James Bond limited edition watch in 2006. This was a Seamaster Planet Ocean model with a limited production of 5007 units. The model is similar to what Craig wears earlier on in the film; however, it has a small orange colored 007 logo on the second hand, an engraved caseback signifying the Bond connection, and an engraved 007 on the clasp.[19] In the newest movie, Quantum of Solace, Craig wears the Omega Seamaster Planet Ocean with a black face and steel braclet (42 mm version). Another limited edition was released featuring the checkered "PPK grip" face with the Quantum of Solace logo over it.

Sports sponsorship

Omega has frequently been the official timekeeper for the Olympics, beginning with the 1932 Summer Olympics. It was the official timekeeper for the 2006 Winter Olympics and for the 2008 Summer Olympics, and did the same for the 2010 Winter Olympics.[20] For the 2008 Olympics, Omega brought out an Olympic edition with its logo on the second hand. Olympic swimmer and multiple gold medalist Michael Phelps is an Omega Ambassador and wears the Seamaster Planet Ocean.
Providing support to Emirates Team New Zealand and representing the team's official watch, in 2007 Omega introduced the Seamaster NZL-32 chronograph, with the name suggested by the name of the boat that won the America's Cup in 1995. The watch was developed in cooperation with Dean Barker, skipper of Team New Zealand and Omega Ambassador.[21]
Omega also sponsored a number of golf tournaments


Bertepatan dengan Idul Adha dan Ulang Tahun Istri Tercinta...akhirnya terwujud juga keinginan untuk punya Blog sendiri sekadar untuk bersenang-senang dan berbagi cerita tentang segala hal berbau Jam..
mohon bimbingan dan masukan dari para sepuh dan senior agar blog ini dapat melangkah di Jalan yg benar..